
Designing high capacity home network

Anurag Bhatia
For the last few months, we have been working on setting up a dedicated room for my home office usage. This gives me the opportunity to plan for changes in the home network. Key design ideas Cabling should support needs for now as well as the future but active hardware stays strictly for what I need for now. Hardware can be upgraded easily. It is not impossible to change cabling in the future since we have ducts - 0.

How Does the Internet Work? - Vox

Anurag Bhatia
A nice short 20mins video by VOX on how the internet works. It covers the basic idea of connectivity a higher level and I am probably going to pass this link to friends & family members outside of the networking domain when they ask. It also covers 60 Hudson Street which I visited exactly an year ago. :)

NIXI root DNS servers and updates

Anurag Bhatia
Has been a while since I checked the status of root servers which are hosted at NIXI. The list as per their official member list stays the same i.e i root in Mumbai, K root in Noida and F root in Chennai. i root seems to be up! show ip bgp neighbors received-routes There are 5 received routes from neighbor Searching for matching routes, use ^C to quit... Status A:AGGREGATE B:BEST b:NOT-INSTALLED-BEST C:CONFED_EBGP D:DAMPED E:EBGP H:HISTORY I:IBGP L:LOCAL M:MULTIPATH m:NOT-INSTALLED-MULTIPATH S:SUPPRESSED F:FILTERED s:STALE Prefix Next Hop MED LocPrf Weight Status 1 192.

CDN Caching Panel discussion at APNIC 46

Anurag Bhatia
I am in Noumea in New Caledonia in the Pacific Islands. Next week we have APNIC 46 conference and I would be moderating an exciting panel discussion with friends from Akamai, Cloudflare, Facebook and more about working of CDNs. If attending APNIC 46, please come & join this session. If you are interested in connecting to Hurricane Electric (AS6939) in this region, please do drop me a message. (List of our PoPs in the region here)

Calculating IPv6 subnets outside the nibble boundary

Anurag Bhatia
Often this comes into the subnetting discussion by my friends who are deploying IPv6 for the first time. How do you calculate subnets outside the 4-bit nibble boundary? This also happens to be one of starting points of APNIC IPv6 routing workshop where I occasionally instruct as community trainer. So what is a Nibble boundary? In IPv6 context, it refers to 4 bit and any change in multiple of 4 bits is easy to calculate.