Dumb script for Picasaweb backup on Linux server & Amazon S3
Just wrote a quick script to pull dump of Picasaweb albums backup on my server & further to Amazon S3. Overall I have good trust on Google for data but it’s always a poor idea to leave all eggs in single bucket.
OK here’s the script (poorly written code. Literally spent 10mins on this, thus suggestions to improve my coding are more then welcome!)
#!/bin/bash Destination=<PUT YOUR DESTINATION HERE!> google picasa list-albums | cut -d"," -f1 » $Destination/tmp/album_list.txt cat $Destination/tmp/album_list.txt | while read album do google picasa get “$album” $Destination/tmp done FileName=PicsBackup-`date ‘+%d-%B-%Y’`.tar tar -cpzf $Destination/$FileName $Destination/tmp gpg –output $Destination/$FileName.pgp -r –always-trust –encrypt $Destination/$FileName s3cmd put $Destination/$FileName.pgp s3://YOUR-AWS-S3-BUCKET-ADDRESS-HERE rm -r $Destination/tmp/* rm $Destination/$FileName rm $Destination/$FileName.pgp
Domain to IP/ASN/BGP block mapping script
Sleepless night. Reading more about Quagga and it’s options.
In meanwhile a quick 5min script to enable domain to BGP/IP/ASN mapping. This script is using basic dig command (for finding IP address) and Team Cymru whois service for IP to ASN/block mapping.
#!/bin/bash \# Script for domain name to IP/ASN/BGP block mapping hostname=v4.whois.cymru.com IP=$(dig $1 a +short) whois -h $hostname " -c -p $IP"
Simple bash script for IP-ASN mapping
Whenever I see a new unknown IP range, it gets hard to find exact source of that IP within command shell. Recently, I found a very interesting source of that information from Team Cymru. Here’s the resource.
I figured out (with a friend’s help) that using their whois server - v4.whois.cymru.com one can actually grab limited information as required.
anurag@laptop:~$ whois -h v4.whois.cymru.com " -v" AS | IP | BGP Prefix | CC | Registry | Allocated | AS Name 15169 | | | US | arin | 1992-12-01 | GOOGLE - Google Inc.
Quick simple script for automated database dumps
I tried looking for script for database dumps but most of them are way too complex then a simple solution one can implement.
Thus, I wrote a quick simple 1 page (infact few lines) bash script for database dumps.
Here’s the code:
#!/bin/bash #Script for MySQL automated dumps dbhost=DB-HOSTNAME-HERE dbusername=DB-USERNAME-HERE dbpassword=DB-PASSWORD-HERE # Enter database names here dbname=( database1 database2 database3 ) for i in "${dbname[@]}" do timestamp=backup_`date +%F.%T` output=$i+$timestamp mysqldump -h $dbhost -u $dbusername -p$dbpassword -C $i | bzip2 -c > /backups/MySQL-automated/$output done