
APNIC 56 - Kyoto, Japan

Anurag Bhatia

APNIC 56 is happening next month in Kyoto, Japan. This would be my third-time travel to Japan and besides meeting network operators around the region at the event, I will be doing a one-day tutorial on Network automation with Christoff Visser from IIJ research labs and Abdul Awal from APNIC. The agenda is similar to (though a subset) of network automation workshops I have done over the last few months across different events. Tutorial typically is a “view only” event where the audience would be presented with content in the form of slides, live terminal demo etc. It does not involve a hands-on workshop for the attendees as one day time won’t support that.

Talk on IPv6 at IIT Delhi and redirection service on cloud run

Anurag Bhatia

Last few weeks went extremely busy. Feb + the first few days of Mar were spent in the Philippines for APRICOT 2023. This was the first time I spent close to 15 days at an APRICOT event due to involvement in workshops. Anyways, I enjoyed it. So far I have done this workshop on network automation twice (at SANOG 38 and APRICOT 2023) and both times I get attendees with a different sets of skillset. In SANOG 38 I assumed I will see network admins but the majority of attendees were sys admins. In APRICOT 2023 I assumed there will be sys admins but the majority of attendees were network admins. 😄

APRICOT 2023 | Network Automation | APNIC Hackathon

Anurag Bhatia

Next month will be APRICOT 2023 which is exciting. The last in-person event of such kind was in Feb 2020 in Melbourne. Later APRICOT 2021 & 2022 were completely online (similar to other NOGs). This year’s APRICOT will be in Manila, Philippines. On the agenda will be meetings with network operators, CDNs and internet exchanges in the region. Along with that, I will be doing a 5-day long workshop on “Network Automation for Network Engineers”. This will be a step-upgrade from the last one I did at SANOG 38. One day extra gives me the option to add a CRUD-based app besides REST APIs. Plus I think 5 days will be the longest ever I have ever done in past.

GFCE Workshop

Anurag Bhatia

In Hyderabad for the weekend to participate in GFCE workshop at IIIT Hyderabad. I like GFCE workshops as they are short & to the point. This will be my third one after Delhi and Kolkata. These are round table discussions covering concepts like IPv6, routing security, DNS, email security protocols etc. I will be sharing updates on RPKI in the region and participating in the discussion about this wide varieties of topics.

APNIC 54 | SGNOG 9 | Singapore

Anurag Bhatia

Upcoming presentations

Next week will be APNIC 54 conference followed by SGNOG 9 (Singapore Network Operators Group) event. I will be attending both events. At APNIC 54 I will be doing a short tutorial on “Running Containers in Production” with CI/CD pipelines with a focus on its utility in network engineering and also a panel discussion on “World IPv6 2022 - the story behind the events”. This should be fun!