Can one reach entire Indian routing table via NIXI?
Why Indian internet traffic routes from outside of India?
After my last post about home networking, I am jumping back into global routing. More specifically how Indian traffic is hitting the globe when it does not need to. This is an old discussion across senior management folks in telcos, policymakers, and more. It’s about “Does Indian internet traffic routes from outside of India?” and if the answer is yes then “Why?” and “How much?”
It became a hot topic, especially after the Snowden leaks. There was even an advisory back in 2018 from Deputy National Security Advisor to ensure Indian internet traffic stays local (news here). Over time this has come up a few dozen times in my discussion with senior members from the Indian ISP community, individuals, and even latency-sensitive gamers. So I am going to document some of that part here. I am going to put whatever can be verified publically and going to avoid putting any private discussions I had with friends in these respective networks. The data specially traceroutes will have measurement IDs from RIPE Atlas so they can be independently verified by other network engineers.
Routing with North East India!
A few weeks back I got in touch with Marc from Meghalaya. He offered to host RIPE Atlas probe at Shillong and that’s an excellent location which isn’t there on RIPE Atlas coverage network yet. It took around 5 days for the probe to reach Shillong from Haryana. I think probably this probe is the one at the most beautiful place in India. :) Now that probe is connected, I thought to look into routing which is super exciting for far from places like Shillong. Marc has a BSNL FTTH connection & mentioned about not-so-good latency. Let’s trace to 1st IP of the corresponding /24 pool on which probe is hosted:
What makes BSNL AS9829 as most unstable ASN in the world?!
On weekend I was looking at BGP Instability Report data. As usual (and unfortunately) BSNL tops that list. BSNL is the most unstable autonomous network in the world. In past, I have written previously about how AS9829 is the rotten IP backbone.
This isn’t a surprise since they keep on coming on top but I think it’s well worth a check on what exactly is causing that. So I looked into BGP tables updates published on Oregon route-views from 21st May to 27th May and pulled data specifically for AS9829. I see zero withdrawals which are very interesting. I thought there would be a lot of announcements & withdrawals as they switch transits to balance traffic. If I plot the data, I get following chart of withdrawals against timestamp. This consists of summarised view of every 15mins and taken from 653 routing update dumps. It seems not feasible to graph data for 653 dumps, so I picked top 300.
India - Bangladesh bandwidth agreement, BSNL routing & more!
Last month India & Bangladesh went into an agreement for power and bandwidth. India stated export of an additional 100MW of power to Bangladesh while Bangladesh started a 10Gbps link to Indian state of Tripura. (News article on this here)
Tripura is an Indian state having its boundaries with Bangladesh as you can see in above map. Coming to routing side of things setup is that BSNL (AS9829) is buying IP transit from Bangladesh Submarine Cable Co. Ltd (BSCCL) at $1.2 million / year. This means a cost of around $10/Mbps/month or 662Rs/Mbps/month. It’s hard to say if it’s good or bad since other link from BSNL is via it’s other links. But yes it’s good to see a layer 3 connectivity in terms of IP transit relationship rather then leasing dark fiber or L1 waves as they would have caused bit inefficient routing in the area. In order to do this BSNL has setup a “gateway node” at Agartala. I think it would be pretty much a node with approvals under ILD from doT and extremely likely a LIM device for lawful interception. Months before it actually came up, Dyn research tweeted about this visible routing relationship.
BSNL routing glitch and updates
Today I noticed some traffic on my blog from a link from Broadband forum.
Here’s what poster wrote:
I made a thread a few days ago complaining about BSNL’s horrible routing. Well it looks like it has been fixed. I thank all the guys who made efforts to bring this to BSNL’s notice. Especially Anurag Bhatia who highlighted the issue with much detail on his blog
BSNL - Softlayer connectivity problem & possible fix
It’s late night here in India. I am having final 8th semester exams and as usual really bored!
Though this time we have interesting subjects but still syllabus is pretty boring spreading across multiple books, notes and pdf’s. Anyways I will be out of college after June which sounds good.
Tonight, I found a routing glitch. Yes a routing glitch!! :)
These issues somehow keep my life in orbit and give a good understanding on how routing works over the Internet.
BSNL routing tables and upstreams
Just was looking at routing tables of BSNL. They have a significant address space in /10 - Overall this /10 address space is divided into /18 and /20 subnets.
Let’s pick two of such subnets and observe routing tables from route-views:
Routing table for
* 0 3333 3356 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 3277 3216 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 3267 174 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 6 0 2914 6453 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 3582 3701 3356 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 0 3356 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 101 101 3356 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 3 0 4436 2914 6453 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 8075 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 6539 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 7018 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 19214 2828 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 7660 2516 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 111 0 1668 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 286 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 701 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 0 4826 6939 1299 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 10 0 3257 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 0 852 3561 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 7500 2497 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 0 852 3561 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 1239 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 0 16150 1299 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 0 6079 3356 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 3561 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 5459 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 2523 0 3549 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 0 6079 3356 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 6939 1299 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 1221 4637 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
*> 0 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 3303 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
* 0 2497 6453 4755 9829 9829 9829 i
Routing table for
BSNL routing messup at NIXI Delhi
Finally back in village location.
Was just looking around and saw BSNL having really crazy routing. I looked around and saw this:
NIXI Looking Glass - show ip bgp neighbors routes
Router: NIXI Delhi (Noida)
Command: show ip bgp neighbors routes
Total number of prefixes 0
Clearly BSNL is NOT announcing any prefix at NIXI Delhi at all. Thus if one has to send packets to BSNL in North area either it will be via transit (Tata/VSNL) or via any other peering NIXI exchange in Mumbai or Chennai.