Doomsday and the DNS resolution

Last month I did a short webinar with Indian ISPs talking about DNS servers in detail. The idea of the session was to make network engineers from fellow ISPs familiar with root DNS servers, DNS hierarchy, anycast etc. As we went through slides it was clear from RIPE Atlas data that Indian networks are not reaching local DNS servers due to routing! (Data from RIPE Atlas here).

This may come as a surprise for policymakers (where there seem to be ongoing discussions around how India can have its own root DNS servers even though) we are not hitting existing local root DNS instances. Anyways does that statement of having own root DNS servers even possible?

Measuring latency to endpoints with blocked ICMP

And a blog post after a while. Last few months went busy with RPKI. After my last post about RPKI and the fact that India was lacking a little bit on RPKI ROA front, we started with a major push by a set of like-minded folks like us. For now, Indian signed table has jumped from 12% since Aug to 32% now in Oct. Detailed graphs and other data can be found here on the public Grafana instance.

Tracking Indian RPKI data

So based on my friend - Abdul Awal’s tweet, I started looking at the latest RPKI ROA data for India. His Tweet came when I was in the middle of moving my blog from WordPress running over LXC containers to now WordPress over docker with Bitnami image. Bit of optimisation is still pending.

Missing IRINN route objects & outage!

A friend of mine buzzed me yesterday about his missing route objects. Later multiple other ISPs told the same story which triggered me to put this as a question on INNOG Mailing list. Many folks replied of missing route objects there and it seems to be limited to IRINN members only. I also asked the same question on APNIC mailing list and it was again confirmed about the issue.
Before I proceed further, here’s what it is all about.

Automated SSL certificate management for private containers

Lately, I have been playing with many tools and as one gets into deploying those tools, SSL comes as a pain point. A large number of web-based tools I use are internal and on a private network. VPN (with OSPF running over FRR) takes care of connectivity but still, it’s good to have SSL on these machines. Non-HTTPs websites are getting more & more ugly with browsers and even things like password managers do not fill the passwords anymore on their own for non-HTTPS websites.

Espresso: Google's peering edge architecture

Back in 2017 Google shared details about Espresso which is their SDN solution for scaling up their routing.
Saw this fascinating presentation from Google at SIGCOMM 2017. This blog post covers it in detail besides the talk.


Key design principles for their routing platform

  1. Hierarchical control plane consisting of both global as well as local control. Global takes care of overall traffic flow, inputs coming from performance metric etc while local take care of failure of BGP sessions, port/device failure etc.

Manage Wireguard users using Ansible

Day 16 of lockdown here in Haryana due to Covid19. Time for some distraction.

Last week it was reported that Wireguard will be added in next version of Linux kernel. I have been using Wireguard from over a year and it has been working great. I replaced OpenVPN with Wireguard for both site to site VPN as well as client-server VPN. If you are looking for a free open source VPN for remote employees or just connecting to your own remote servers Wireguard can be a really good candidate.

Making things happen in the government

A fascinating lecture by Mr Anil Swarup (retired IAS, ex-Secretary to Govt. of India & State Govt of UP) at Lt Governer, Puducherry Raj Niwas. His Wikipedia page here and Twitter account here.

The first half is the talk itself, followed by some time of Q&A, followed by a short talk by Mr Ashwani Kumar (Chief Secretary to Government of Pondicherry) and in the end is Lt Governor Kiran Bedi.


Indian RPKI ROA status

In Melbourne for the week for APRICOT 2020. Someone jokingly said it’s should be “APRICOT and RPKI 2020”. :-)

It seems like both JPNIC and TWNIC are doing a good job at promoting their member operators in Japan & Taiwan for signing ROA. I thought to check for the status in India to find how India is doing.


RPKI ROA status for India

  1. Total prefixes: 40,834 (IPv4 + IPv6)
  2. Prefixes with valid ROA: 4693
  3. Prefixes with invalid ROA: 354
  4. Prefixes without ROA: 35,787


Indian IPv6 deployment

I had calls with a couple of friends over this week and somehow discussion IPv6 deployment came up. “How much has been IPv6 deployment in India now in 2020” is a very interesting question. It’s often added with - “how much of my traffic will flow over IPv6 once it is enabled”?


Game of numbers

There is a drastic difference in IPv6 deployment depending on which statistic we are looking at here in India. There can be a bunch of factors based on which we can try to judge IPv6 deployment: