CANI SMC - Submarine cable connecting Andaman and Nicobar islands
Earlier in March I visited Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The trip was purely personal as my wife happened to have been born there. These are Indian islands in the Bay of Bengal located in the South East of West Bengal and geographically quite near Myanmar and Thailand. The nearest large Indian cities on the mainland are Kolkata and Chennai.
In the initial part of the trip, we stayed in Swaraj Dweep (old name Havelock islands) and later in Port Blair. The place is isolated and has amazing natural beauty. It has one of the most beautiful beaches in the world (Radhanagar Beach). Tourism has grown nicely in Andaman & Nicobar islands in recent years and besides many other factors, one of that is a submarine cable!
Jio-Airtel PNI up in Delhi NCR!
I visited Delhi earlier today and noticed latency from my phone on Jio 5G to my home (on an ISP behind Airtel) was just 20ms. It varied a bit (as one would expect on a wireless radio network) but 20ms is special because until now it was at least 80-90ms. After all, Jio and Airtel were not connected in Delhi NCR until now. There were sometimes jokes about them being connected at NIXI Noida but that never pushed any traffic because NIXI injects its route server AS24029 in the AS_PATH and while their direct PNIs (i.e Private Network Interconnect) in Mumbai & Chennai would have a direct (short) AS_PATH.
Jio 5G - IPv6 only on transport
Last month I got access to Jio 5G like everyone else around in Haryana. They are running a beta program with uncapped data for now. Overall it works fine for usual stuff (web surfing on popular sites, YouTube videos, music streaming etc) but 464XLAT seems to be a little buggy in IPv4 hardcoded destinations. Initially it was giving quite a few issues but many of them seem to be fixed in last few days.
Missing IRINN route objects & outage!
A friend of mine buzzed me yesterday about his missing route objects. Later multiple other ISPs told the same story which triggered me to put this as a question on INNOG Mailing list. Many folks replied of missing route objects there and it seems to be limited to IRINN members only. I also asked the same question on APNIC mailing list and it was again confirmed about the issue.
Before I proceed further, here’s what it is all about.
Indian IPv6 deployment
I had calls with a couple of friends over this week and somehow discussion IPv6 deployment came up. “How much has been IPv6 deployment in India now in 2020” is a very interesting question. It’s often added with - “how much of my traffic will flow over IPv6 once it is enabled”?
Game of numbers
There is a drastic difference in IPv6 deployment depending on which statistic we are looking at here in India. There can be a bunch of factors based on which we can try to judge IPv6 deployment:
VoWifi experience on Jio
Since last week of Nov 2019, I am having serious issues with Airtel at my home. Somehow 4G signal SNR is very poor and most of the calls just fail on that. Airtel support just mentioned that they are putting a new site in my area in Jan 2020 but fail to explain why suddenly it went so bad. I can imagine that support team staff does not have visibility to network in real-time and likely it would be an issue with the 4G antenna on one or more towers. 2G signal was good but latency was extremely high to connect call plus calls still failed regardless (maybe due to high strain on 2G).
Facebook FNA node update
In March 2018 I mapped nodes of Facebook globally using the airport string they use in the CDN URLs (detailed post here). Since then I posted a couple of times updates on as they are adding more nodes. There also have been questions via emails and comments on the blog in recent times about updated data.
Here goes latest data as on 22 Nov 2019. It’s published here.
Global stats
Total nodes increased from 2204 as from Aug 2018 to 3184 now in Nov 2019.
Less than a week to go before INNOG2!

And it’s less than a week before the INNOG 2 i.e Indian Network Operators Group Conference 2. We (Indians) are little late to start a NOG but it’s finally working out and this is the 2nd event. First one happened last year.
Event website:
Why INNOG is important and why we should care?
Well, having a functional NOG is as important for local community as a working Internet Exchange Point. In absence of either people just start peering outside for an expensive price. There a lot of things which Indian Network Operators need to work on and without knowledge sharing that’s just not going to happen.
Tata Communications (AS4755) pushing traffic to Reliance Jio (AS55836) via Singapore!
So it seems like apart from voice interconnect issues, Jio is also facing routing issues on the backbone. I ran a trace to one of IP’s on Jio network allocated to end customer - I ran trace from all Indian RIPE Atlas probes measurement here. There seem quite a few RIPE Atlas probes which are giving latency on 150ms + range. Seems like they are downstream or downstream of downstream of Tata Comm’s AS4755 and routing is happening via Singapore!