IX management via Gitlab CI!

I was having this discussion with someone recently on possible software to manage an IXP. Lately, IXP Manager has become the de-facto choice for managing IX. It’s a good tool. Nick and INEX team has built a fantastic open-source tool. But I still feel it’s a bit overloaded for a small 1-2 DC IX operation.

If I have to set up a small to mid-size IX, I would rather do that with arouteserver instead of IXP Manager as I did in case of BharatIX in Mumbai (until it shutdown!). One of the problems with arouteserver is that it can be script intensive and one may need something around it to manage it for things like build config on clients.yml update, regularly update filters etc.

NIXI expansion & some thoughts


Lately, NIXI has been making a bit of news in the Indian peering ecosystem. NIXI for those who may not be aware is the National Internet Exchange of India. It was founded in 2003 with the idea to provide inter-connection layer 2 peering fabric for local Indian ISPs. They were supposed to ensure domestic Indian traffic is exchanged within India and not outside of India. In my previous post, I did cover how that is not true for now. They never picked up much interconnection due to a number of fundamental issues with their policies.

Basic traffic engineering for maximising peering traffic

Hello world from Gujarat! This is my 3rd visit to Gujarat. :)

Coming to today’s post: I have noticed ISPs doing really crazy things to maximise traffic on peerings and IXPs. Some of those are bad and some are very bad. Additionally I came across this comment and thought to put this quick post.


Example of some bad ways to increase IXP traffic:

  • Using upstream’s ASN to keep AS path shorter (yes, believe me I have seen that!)

NIXI permits content players!

I am in Chiang Mai, Thailand for APNIC 48 conference. Earlier today attended APIX meeting where many IX members from Asian community gave an update including NIXI i.e National Internet Exchange of India.

As per the update NIXI now allows content players to peer at the exchange. NIXI earlier had a strict requirement of telecom license for anyone to peer but as of now it allows anyone with IP address and AS number to be part of the exchange just like all other exchanges. This is a really good development coming this year after their announcement of the removal of x-y charge. One strange thing remains that their website is still not updated to reflect that which is probably just work in progress. As per representative from NIXI they now openly welcome all content players to peer at NIXI.

NIXI finally removing the x-y charge!

It’s kind of fun times in India with many IX’es showing up and now NIXI finally removing their traffic wise charge.

I came across this email which they sent to their member networks recently:

From: I X <[ix@nixi.in](mailto:ix@nixi.in)\>  
Sent: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 12:48:31 GMT+0530  
To: "members " <[members@nixi.in](mailto:members@nixi.in)\>  
Cc: "[ceo@nixi.in](mailto:ceo@nixi.in)" <[ceo@nixi.in](mailto:ceo@nixi.in)\>  
Subject: Change in Data Transfer Charges (X-Y)  

Dear Members,  
In reference to the Board's direction to reduce the current data transfer (X-Y) charges from Re. 1/GB to Rs. 0/GB. The said reduction in X-Y charges to Rs. 0/GB is being implemented with effect from 1st March 2019. 
This is for your kind information please.  
Thanks & Regards.  
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI)  


Internet Exchanges - Place where the networks interconnect!

Earlier this month I got an opportunity to be part of IXP workshop in Kolkata. It was a 3-day event organised by ISOC Kolkata and supported by APNIC. There was also a workshop on DNSSEC and Champika Wijayatunga (from ICANN) was the instructor along with Anand Raje. It was a nice event and I come to know of other interesting projects ISOC Kolkata is doing like Indian IETF capacity building program apart from the IXP they are running in Kolkata. Mr Anupam Aggarwal and Anand showed the IX and it looks very good. I think it’s the first and only IX I know in India which is a real IX with proper policy. It’s an IX by a non-for-profit group, allows anyone to connect, a real layer 2 IX and welcomes anyone including ISPs, content players and root DNS servers. Presently IIFON-IX in Kolkata has few member ISPs besides the L root from ICANN and one of Verisign gTLD nodes (which host zones for .com, .net etc). I also saw a rack with some of Akamai CDN servers. This brings decent content right there. IX’es play an extremely important part of current internet infrastructure ecosystem. It’s very likely that content of this blog is travelling from my server to your browser from an Internet Exchange. :)