
Alternate to IRINN IRR manual entry / ALTDB

IRINN (Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers) is a NIR (National Internet Registry) for India operating under the APNIC RIR (Regional Internet Registry). IRINN is run and managed by NIXI. It’s a decent NIR and was set up in 2012. Indian organisations have the option to either maintain relation with APNIC or with IRINN.

A large number of small networks prefer IRINN because it’s annual charges are 25000 INR / $351 USD against APNIC’s membership fee which is over 2x of that.

BGP Administrative Shutdown Communication

I recently came across an excellent draft at IETF by Job Snijders & friends. This is to address scenarios where a network might miss communication about a maintenance activity when BGP shutdown happens. Once implemented, this can potentially offer to send peer a message with up to 128 bytes with info about shutdown like “Ticket XXX: We are upgrading the router, will be back live in 1hr” etc.

It depends by appending such data to the sys notification which is part of BGP protocol. This is one which sends a message just before the shutdown of the session. So it similar to the way you see session tearing down due to prefix limits etc. This has already been implemented in some of the open source routing implementations like OpenBGPd, GoBGP, PMacct, Exabgp etc.   Here is the latest draft of this change.

Route filter generation for Mikrotik RouterOS via IRR

A while back I posted about routing filter generation via bgpq3 for Cisco (ios and XR) and Juniper JunOS based routers. I have received a number of emails in last few months about automated filter generation for Mikrotik routeros. Since Mikrotik’s CCRs are getting quite popular across small to mid-sized ISPs. So this blog post is about ways for generating filter config for a given ASN via IRR. One can use such logic with some kind of remote login mechanism like rancid (look for mtlogin here). I tried building around bgpq3 but it seems more easy with another popular tool in the domain called IRR Power Tools. Once IRR Power Tools (IRRPT) is setup, it allows us to fetch prefixes based via Internet Routing Registries and also aggregates them.   So, for instance, let’s pick AS54456:

Peering with content networks in India

peering One of frequent email and contact form message I get my blog is about available content networks in India and where one can peer. There are certain content networks in India and of course most of the content networks have open peering policy and are usually happy with direct inter-connection (we call as “peering”) with the ISP networks (often referred to as “eyeball networks”). Some of these networks have a backbone which connects back to their key datacenter locations on their own circuits via Singapore/Europe, some other have simply placed their caching server where cache fill happens over IP transit. Based on publically known information across community and of course peeringdb, following content players are available in India and known to be open for peering:

Reliance Jio orignating Charter's /16 pool

Just noticed that Reliance Jio (AS55836) seems to be originating a /16 which is for Charter Communications (AS20115) -  

route-views>sh ip bgp long | exclude 20115
BGP table version is 18764390, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, f RT-Filter,
              x best-external, a additional-path, c RIB-compressed,
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
RPKI validation codes: V valid, I invalid, N Not found
     Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
 *                        0 3277 3267 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                    0 3303 6762 64049 55836 i
 *                                    0 20912 1267 64049 55836 i
 *                                    0 393406 6453 6762 64049 55836 i
 *                                    0 62567 2914 174 64049 55836 i
 *                    1007             0 2914 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                    0 46450 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                     0 24441 3491 3491 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                    0 6539 577 6762 64049 55836 i
 *                   80             0 1239 174 64049 55836 i
 *                       0             0 6079 3356 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                    0 1221 4637 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                   0 58901 51167 3356 6762 64049 55836 i
     Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
 *                                  0 4901 174 64049 55836 i
 *                       0             0 3356 174 64049 55836 i
 *                     1             0 3549 3356 174 64049 55836 i
 *                     10             0 3257 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                      0 6453 6762 64049 55836 i
 *                     650             0 286 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                        0 200130 6453 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                        0 7018 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                   0 53364 3257 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                    0 3561 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                      0 202018 2914 174 64049 55836 i
 *                        0             0 6079 3356 174 64049 55836 i
 *                      0             0 852 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                     0 3267 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                     0 19214 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                  0 101 101 174 64049 55836 i
 *                      6             0 1668 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                  0 7660 2516 6762 64049 55836 i
 *                                      0 2497 701 6762 64049 55836 i
 *                                     0 58511 64049 55836 i
 *                                       0 3333 1103 64049 55836 i
     Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
 *                                    0 20771 47872 64049 55836 i
 *>                                 0 6939 64049 55836 i
 *                                  0 1351 174 64049 55836 i
 *                                   0 58443 45177 64049 55836 i
 *                                     0 4826 174 64049 55836 i

This shows Reliance Jio’s ASN AS55836 announcing Charter Communications (AS20115) is originating multiple of /18s out of the same pool.  

Host a RIPE Atlas probe!

RIPE NCC is running an excellent project called RIPE Atlas from few years. This is one of largest distributed network measurement projects where thousands of users host small devices called RIPE Atlas Probes on their networks, home connections, datacenters etc. These probes do measurement under both public and private category and make that data available publicly for use by network engineers and helps in optimizing routing. This page shows detailed coverage statistics of the probes.  

APRICOT 2016 - Auckland, New Zealand

First and foremost before talking about APRICOT, I must say I am deeply moved with impact Rohtak (and Haryana) as whole had because of recent Jat agitation. What I find extremely depressing is way current Govt. of Haryana completely failed to control it and the way previous Govt. ministers did best in their interest and completely against the interest of people of Haryana. For now quite hopeful with news that Mr Prakash Singh (one of my favorite IPS officers) who did quite well during his various terms is looking into failure of police. More details about the news here. I will write more on this later on, not good time right now since tensions have yet to get normal.  

bdNOG 4 - Presentation on Misused top ASNs

This week I presented in bdNOG 4 on “Misused top ASNs”. It was a study we at Hurricane Electric did to see how many times AS1, AS2 and AS3 appeared in global routing table between 2010 and 2015. This highlights cases where AS1, AS2 or AS3 appeared as a result of wrong prepend.  

My presentation is embedded below:

Overall bdNOG 4 had been a great experience. It’s good to see a nice NOG community actively sharing technical know-how, sharing experiences, and much more. I must say that is something I greatly miss in India. More on bdNOG conference later on.

Night fun task: OpenVPN, Quagga, Rasberry Pi and more!

I have been using OpenVPN from quite sometime and very much like it. Earlier I was running OpenVPN client on TP Link 1043nd router and that worked great. But recently I switched home routing to Microtik Map2N which has much better VLAN & IPv6 support. Since then I had trouble in getting VPN back live. I can always use VPN client on laptop but that’s ugly for daily use specially when this is my primary work location!