
Welcome Amazon AWS AS16509 to India!

Today I spotted some routes from Amazon AWS Cloud services -  AS16509 in Indian tables. AS16509 was originating prefixes while sitting in downstream of Tata-VSNL AS4755 and Reliance AS18101. I almost missed Amazon AWS's announcement on their blog about Indian PoPs for their DNS service - Route53 and CDN service - Cloudfront.

New PoP’s of Amazon in India are at Mumbai and Chennai and I see pretty much consistent BGP announcements to Tata and Reliance from these locations. Prefixes I have seen so far:

Dumb script for Picasaweb backup on Linux server & Amazon S3

Just wrote a quick script to pull dump of Picasaweb albums backup on my server & further to Amazon S3. Overall I have good trust on Google for data but it’s always a poor idea to leave all eggs in single bucket.

OK here’s the script (poorly written code. Literally spent 10mins on this, thus suggestions to improve my coding are more then welcome!)


google picasa list-albums | cut -d"," -f1 » $Destination/tmp/album_list.txt

cat $Destination/tmp/album_list.txt | while read album

          google picasa get “$album” $Destination/tmp

FileName=PicsBackup-`date ‘+%d-%B-%Y’`.tar
tar -cpzf $Destination/$FileName $Destination/tmp
gpg –output $Destination/$FileName.pgp -r –always-trust –encrypt $Destination/$FileName
s3cmd put $Destination/$FileName.pgp s3://YOUR-AWS-S3-BUCKET-ADDRESS-HERE

rm -r $Destination/tmp/*
rm $Destination/$FileName
rm $Destination/$FileName.pgp

How to use

Simply download Google Cli scripts, and get your Google account working with the installed stack. Also if you need Amazon S3 backup support then install & configure s3cmd. Once you have both of these configured with your account, simple give executable bit to the script & run!