
Multi-dimensional effect of corruption in college system

Exam days still going and a few more to go. Before I go further on actual blog topic, a small story to share.  

“Being a Superman” story ;)

Recently it rained quite heavily in Radaur and I was trapped in a situation where stairs to my room got in touch with live grid electricity due to a badly insulated wire joint.  Stairs are made of metal and that brought this dangerous situation. I was informed about “current in stairs” from someone living in neighbourhood who accidentally touched stairs while it was raining. Next, I had to get down from there to go to my home. There was just no other option, and waiting for an electrician to figure it out was impractical idea. There was no option of turning down main power switch since leak was before switch in main line. At this point I gave some engineering thoughts.

F-root DNS node back up in Chennai!

And finally ACN i.e “Advanced Computer Networks” exam next. Hopefully less to cram in this one and syllabus is pretty interesting. 

Talking about networks - I am very happy to post this update. Finally F root server’s node in Chennai is back up! 

Though ISC did not updated me about this development but anyways I can always assume they were busy in hitting head with India bureaucratic bodies. :)

If you are following my blog, you might have seen my past blog post about “Broken connectivity of F root server” due to NIXI’s routing policies. When I informed ISC (root server operator for F root) about it, they took down the Indian anycasting instance in order to work on fix. 

BSNL - Softlayer connectivity problem & possible fix

It’s late night here in India. I am having final 8th semester exams and as usual really bored! 

Though this time we have interesting subjects but still syllabus is pretty boring spreading across multiple books, notes and pdf’s. Anyways I will be out of college after June which sounds good.

Tonight, I found a routing glitch. Yes a routing glitch!! :)

These issues somehow keep my life in orbit and give a good understanding on how routing works over the Internet.

Backend of Google's Public DNS

And finally academic session over. Done with all vivas and related stuff. Next will be exams likely in June. Time for me to get ready for travel. :)   Anyways an interesting topic for today’s post - Google Public DNS. Lot of us are familier with popular (and free) DNS resolvers and I have covered reason in previous posts on why it tends to fail with Content Delivery networks like Akamai which rely on anycasting at bottom DNS layer and simple unicasting on application servers. Anycasted DNS nodes point to application servers based on various factors like distance, load, cost etc out of interesting algorithms these CDN networks use for load & cost management.   Anyways today’s post focus is not CDN issues with these resolvers but Google Public DNS itself. Are these servers located in India and everywhere else where Google has PoPs?   Let’s do a simple trace to get forward path from Airtel to Google’s

Do connected interface ping?

And an interesting day full of bit frustrating drama. Today was “External viva” for Major Project at college. It went good with external teacher but “internal ones” tend to cause un-necessary issues. Quite a few people put personal egos and frustration on top priority to an extent that they violate their own points for which they are arguing. They go completely unethical in way they deal with world.

I am saying this with full responsibility for couple of teachers from my college who have completely lost some “fundamentals of life” as taught in childhood to most of us. Some key principles like staying cool & calm, being humble, making best possible use of time and just being good with everyone. In last 4 years they haven’t learn how to give respect & talk with sense and they expect students to be learning “technology” from them? What an absurd!