
Measuring latency to endpoints with blocked ICMP

Anurag Bhatia
And a blog post after a while. Last few months went busy with RPKI. After my last post about RPKI and the fact that India was lacking a little bit on RPKI ROA front, we started with a major push by a set of like-minded folks like us. For now, Indian signed table has jumped from 12% since Aug to 32% now in Oct. Detailed graphs and other data can be found here on the public Grafana instance.

My home network...

Anurag Bhatia
This is a common discussion topic when I tell friends in Indian network operators that I work from home. As soon as I say that, they ask me - “How good is the connectivity at your home?” And of course like all answers in engineering - it depends. :) So I have two links at my home: IAXN and Siti broadband. IAXN is a FTTH connection with 50Mbps down and 25Mbps up, while Siti broadband is a DOCSIS connection with ~60Mbps down and 25Mbps up.

Tata - Airtel domestic peering IRR filtering and OpenDNS latency!

Anurag Bhatia
Last month I noticed quite high latency with Cisco’s OpenDNS from my home fibre connection. The provider at home is IAXN (AS134316) which is peering with content folks in Delhi besides transit from Airtel. ping -c 5 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=103 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 time=103 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 time=103 ms 64 bytes from 208.