
Should Google pay to Airtel for data interconnection charges?

Yesterday I had a discussion with a friend from Airtel after long time. For some strange reason discussion topic was changed to old statements from Bharti Airtel’s executives that companies like Google, Facebook, Yahoo etc should pay to ISPs like Airtel for “data interconnection”. The argument goes more for Google then any other company. Statements from Airtel can be found here and here

The argument?

Companies like Airtel who have built a “physical infrastructure” feel that companies like Google should pay to them since they are putting so much of traffic on their networks. Airtel feels that services like YouTube take significant amount of bandwidth and thus requires and infrastructure from core, middle mile to edge part of network and all that needs significant investment. Similarly there was another argument from Mr Sunil Mittal about fact that Facebook is enjoying on top of infrastructure which ISPs like Airtel have created.

Understanding dot in the end of hostname

This is a very popular mistake admins make - it’s missing . i.e dot in the end of hostname. This causes serious problems (and lot of frustration!).

E.g taking example of popular Google’s cname record As we know if one would like to use, he has to point the CNAME record to “”. Now here if one misses dot in the end of - it will give a real value like:

End of inter-circle roaming: Good or Bad move?

Today I read in news about Govt’s decision to finally end inter-circle roaming agreements between Airtel, Vodafone & IDEA. Well, the case is not new. It has been up with doT from over months and got highlights when CEO’s of all 3 firms wrote letter to Prime Minister of India for his intervention.  

Little background

In 3G auction held in 2010, none of the operators got pan India spectrum across 22 telecom circles. Most of them have license in around 10 circles (few in 9, few in 11 and so on) and thus no one can provide full Nationwide 3G coverage.

Start of competition based on speeds

Yesterday I read about BSNL increasing speeds from 512Kbps to 1Mbps (with caps). Today I came across news in Business Line about Bharti Airtel increasing speed on wireline DSL. This is really good believe me! I am not refering to little bit increase in speeds, but I am refering to start of competition within ISP’s based on speed. Right now it’s Wireless (3G) Vs Wireline (DSL) players, and I am sure very soon we will see competition within wireline Vs wireline players. Competition is always good specially in telecom industry. We can clearly see where we stand now: from 8years of waiting for a telephone connection to 5min of prepaid sim purchase, from 56Kbps at $1/hour to 10GB data at $20 a month. We have came so far, but yet long way to go!

EIG cable in action!

And here we get latest EIG cable i.e Euro India Gateway cable in action. Although cable was up few months back, but it’s now we are getting some changes in routing table up. (Probably earlier was test mode?).

Here’s a map of EIG cable.

This was very interesting project because of few reasons - firstly it is one (of few) cable consortium’s where India’s biggest State owned telco BSNL (also known as NIB - National Internet Backbone). Apart from that, it is one of direct link between India and UK. Earlier main route was from Mumbai to France (VSNL-Tata route) and next domestic Europeon bones Lamdanet, Telia, Level3 etc used to carry data further.

Experience with MNP in Haryana

Recently lucky mobile users in Haryana got MNP i.e Mobile Number Portability.

I too ported my number out from Airtel to Tata Docomo. Reason remains the super slow GPRS network (yup gprs, not even upgraded to EDGE in most of Haryana) and crazy service activation followed by irritating sms’es.

Here’s my experience with MNP:

It took around 20 days in porting of my number, and technically speaking - process is yet not (hundred percent) completed even after a month! One of the problems with system is that whenever one requests for a porting code, it is valid for 15days. If we request for porting code again (via sms) we get same code, with same validity. In my case, I request for code, but I submitted documents for porting after 13days of my initial request. On the day of submission, I requested for code again, and got same code which was expiring after 2days. I did informed retailer about it, but he had no clue. Eventually I submitted form. Next, documents reached company by 16th (or to the middle guy), and they triggered request for porting on 16th day with same old code. Result: Port out request failed, because porting code was expired! It took me over a week to realize that, and eventually I submitted documents again. I submitted documents on Monday, and on a fine thursday evening I realized that I didn’t got any call or sms that day! Later, I found I was even not able to send any sms. Outgoing calls were going fine via Airtel connection. I got clue, and tried using Tata Docomo sim card, and it worked! All was OK other then fact that I was not able to recieve calls from Airtel users on Tata’s sim. Callers were getting message - “The Airtel number you have dialed is switched off!” At this point of time I realized a big problem - due to some bugs in system, new carrier actually accepted my number, while Airtel has yet not ported out my number. Good was that I started getting calls even from Airtel users within a day. Logically speaking all was going OK, other then fact that my Airtel connection still works for outgoing, and even at the time of blogging (after a month of porting) it’s still up! Tata Docomo customer support has no clue about it while Airtel support always requests me to visit Airtel relationship center to get this fixed. (Why really? Can’t they do this ONLINE?!)