Moving on from

Anurag Bhatia
Some important life changes… I am not with anymore. It was very nice experience of setting up AS54456 from scratch along with design of anycasting DNS instances. Wishing good luck for time ahead. I just started working with Packet Clearing House (PCH). Looking forward towards exciting time ahead! Interesting pages to checkout - Anycasting DNS for TLDs & Peering information. Thanks for reading.

eNom DNS resolution problem

Anurag Bhatia
Boring exam days, anyways time for a quick blog post to keep taste in life. :) One of my good friend informed me about eNom DNS servers failing randomly. He gave as sample domain name for testing. Quick Check from my home connection: anurag@laptop ~ $ dig a +short anurag@laptop ~ $ dig a +short anurag@laptop ~ $ dig clothdiaperrevival.

Domain to IP/ASN/BGP block mapping script

Anurag Bhatia
Sleepless night. Reading more about Quagga and it’s options. In meanwhile a quick 5min script to enable domain to BGP/IP/ASN mapping. This script is using basic dig command (for finding IP address) and Team Cymru whois service for IP to ASN/block mapping. #!/bin/bash \# Script for domain name to IP/ASN/BGP block mapping IP=$(dig $1 a +short) whois -h $hostname " -c -p $IP" Yeah just 3 line script! Less code = more power!

Broken connectivity to F root server in India

Anurag Bhatia
It has been an interesting week at village - dry weather, (ultra) dry classes, (boring) external seminars and more of depressing environment but one can always find some hope out of such depressing environment. Overall life here is colourful but one just needs to lookout for colours. :) One interesting case to report today - F root server has quite bad connectivity in India. Last week a friend asked me for traceroutes to all root servers and here’s what I saw when I did traceroute for F root from BSNL connection:

BSNL routing tables screw up

Anurag Bhatia
It has been super boring evening considering my sessional tests tomorrow. Test time is dull as always. I have been precisely measnuring latency on BSNL link from BSNL Haryana to Singapore based servers. The fluctuation in latency is pretty much common now. Someones we get 120ms latency to Singapore (an expected number based on distance) while other time it goes off as high as 310ms. Latency with openDNS nodes in Singapore makes it pretty much poor to use openDNS here.