
Google's SRV records

After recieving lots of emails regarding SRV records issue in Google Apps I must say that Google has missing info in their documentation about SRV records. As per refering to official Google’s help here.

It has missing info. about the location servers. Here are those missing SRV records…

client._tcp.YOURDOMAIN.TLD. IN SRV 5 0 5222 talk.l.google.com. 
_xmpp-client._tcp.YOURDOMAIN.TLD. IN SRV 20 0 5222 talk1.l.google.com. 
_xmpp-client._tcp.YOURDOMAIN.TLD. IN SRV 20 0 5222 talk2.l.google.com. 
_xmpp-client._tcp.YOURDOMAIN.TLD. IN SRV 20 0 5222 talk3.l.google.com. 
_xmpp-client._tcp.YOURDOMAIN.TLD. IN SRV 20 0 5222 talk4.l.google.com.

So finally saying…..just forget everything and have these SRV records to get your domain’s Gtalk working from external IM services. Feel free to post for any issues.

Glue Records

Glue records

These are the mosy fundamental DNS record which actually start with the lookup. Let’s understand how to come in basic scenario…… Observe two sites - harisri.in & anuragbhatia.com There’s a basic difference in terms of DNS in both sites. Nameservers of harisri.in are ns1.anuragbhatia.com & ns2.anuragbhatia.com which belongs to a totaly seprate zone, but nameservers for anuragbhatia.com are ns1.anuragbhatia.com, ns2.anuragbhatia.com & so….. i.e domain is having nameservers which are sub zones of  domain itself.

Setting up redirection

Most of people face issue in using Google sites is redirection……i,e www.domain.com works fine (becoz of presence of cname record) BUT domain.com fails here…… SO lets see the possible ways out to the issue:

  1. use redirection offered by Registrar (eNom, Godaddy, name.com etc…)
  2. use redirection offered by third party dns hosts. (only redirection and NOT dns hosting)

In this post, i will consider #2 as for #1 instructions are already available (Google for them!) and also i guess most of you people are reading this post because you were unable to do the #1! since we are using free services, they are perfect for blogger, small biz sites (having low traffic…i.e less then 10,000 visitors per day) We can use any of following host for setting redirection:

DNS Zone Propagation Time

Most of web host state that if you have changed your domain’s name server’s to there’s server then also it will take around 24-48 hours for DNS changes to propagate. That’s not completely true.

Correct sentence would be if you have changed your domain’s name server’s to theirs server then also it might take around 24-48 hours for DNS changes to propagate. Still that’s just a bit of “truth!” What I mean to say it’s just creates a wrong image of DNS working in eyes of a newbie. Let me be clear in one thing - There is NO such think like propagation between world dns server. That’s just a wrong picture. Now lets think over it and shoot it!

External web host with GApps

Hello all!!! i was just getting lot of queries regarding setup of GApps with external web host. So basically using GApps for email hosting and using a separate web host for Web hosting.

Now we can have this kind of setup in two ways:

  1. using DNS hosting of web host
  2. using external DNS hosts

regarding differences in both i had given here 1st way is quite easy, it just need you to put Google’s mx records at web hosting control panel But you will need #2 in case of following things:

External DNS hosts...

So after answering lots of queries regarding Web Hosting setup, i thought to post about it here. This is regarding use of “External DNS Host…” Most of newbies get confused because of type of setup they want.

Type of DNS setups of site:

  1. Web host and dns host both are same…….i.e using web hosts name servers.
  2. Using separate DNS host and Web Host…

Both setups have their own advantages and dis-advantages…..like