
Google Public DNS and Akamai issues in India

Anurag Bhatia
A quick blog post on a interesting issue coming up due to combined problem of CDN failure on Google Public DNS and bad Akamai performance due to Tata-NTT peering issue. I was trying Zembra mail since there’s no more free Google Apps edition and one of my friend asked me to basic email on his domain up. It was more or less a straight task by installing Zembra with decent GUI.

Akamai CDN and DNS resolution analysis

Anurag Bhatia
These days Open DNS resolvers are getting quite popular. With Open DNS resolver I mean resolvers including OpenDNS as well as Google Public DNS. One of major issues these resolvers suffer is failure of integration with CDN providers like Akamai, Limelight etc. In this post I will analyse sample client site of Akamai - Malaysia Airlines website - http://www.malaysiaairlines.com. Looking at OpenDNS, Google Public DNS and my ISP (BSNL’s) DNS resolver for its DNS records: