BGP Peering: Why it's tricky to measure peerings?

Anurag Bhatia
Few days back a friend of mine (who works for an ISP) congratulated me for joining HE. Along with wishes he told me that our doesn’t works well and the reason he fealt so is because he couldn’t see all peers for his ASN in our tool. This is not a problem and to be more broader - same applies on all popular tools other then like RIPE Stats, Robtex AS analysis etc.

The Ugly Indian - TED Talk

Anurag Bhatia
Just saw this excellent TED talk. Very inspiring. Points out many key problem in our way we (as Indians) work. Enjoy!

Updates from life, blog and more

Anurag Bhatia
Some updates from personal life… I have joined Fremont based IP backbone & colocation provider - Hurricane Electric and would be working on some cool things at AS6939. :) Updates on blog… I have changed theme and entire look of blog and re-designed it with new plugins, more tweaking etc. As of now blog has more cleaner while theme which gives more space for posting, improved security with some ACLs, forced HTTPS to avoid telcos from injecting iframe in readers on 3G networks (which is very bad and worrying).

Goodbye AS10029!

Anurag Bhatia
On one of key updates from my life - I have decided to exit from Spectranet AS10029. Overall it was fun working at Spectranet but the same time it was very different experience. I loved most of time I spent here and it was great learning experience. Back on work to finish off my notice period! no router bgp 10029 delete local-as 10029

EDNS support by Google's Public DNS

Anurag Bhatia
Just was looking around at EDNS support by Google. To find how it supports and how packet looks like I created a test NS records for pointing to one of test server ( I wasn’t running any DNS server on the server. Just ran quick tcpdump. At server end: sudo tcpdump 'port 53 and dst' -nn -vvv -w sample.pcap Then I forcefully triggered DNS queries via Google’s recursor using:**